Bones by the Wood Read online

Page 9

  “Ahhh haaa.” Ferret crooned in recognition. “Noticed those eyes did ya?”

  “Pretty fuckin’ hard to miss those baby blues.” Scooby chimed in.

  “Pretty fuckin’ hard to miss that rack, too.” Shaggy added with a grin as he and Scooby high-fived.

  Dizzy had an urge to call them out on it for disrespect or something, but there was nothing he could say. Thea wasn’t his. Not yet, at least. He hadn’t even decided if it was a good idea to do something about that, but he didn’t like the idea that the others had been checking her out. He really didn’t like it.

  Fitz, single-minded bastard that he was, got the conversation back on track. “She’s not going to develop a conscience? Run to the cops or anythin’?”

  “No. She won’t.” Dizzy wasn’t sure how he could say that with such absolute confidence, but he knew it was true. “She did say, though, that the store’s been held up before, and the Rabids never did anythin’ about it. Considerin’ how often it happens, they should have. And that we can’t let slide. This is our town. It don’t belong to the tweakers or the degenerates, it belongs to the decent folk. We need to start makin’ that true.”

  Cage spoke up. “We’re spreadin’ ourselves pretty thin ‘tween the clubs and the town.” Dizzy gave him a hard look, but bit his tongue when Cage held up his hand, palm out, before continuing. “But that don’t mean it’s wrong. You’re right. It’s right. It’s what we should do, what we will do.”

  Dizzy nodded, relieved that his VP saw things his way even though it would be problematic. “Ferret, I need you to hook up with Crash. I spoke to Samuel this mornin’. It concerns me that if the Rabids weren’t keepin’ a close eye on business that there’s a bear trap waitin’ for us. We need to scout, make sure there’re no surprises on our horizon.”

  “Sure thing, boss.” Since he couldn’t smoke in the bays, Ferret was chewing the end of a pencil which had teeth marks along the full length of the shaft. If he wasn’t chewing it, he was twirling it between his fingers.

  Dizzy glanced around the group again. “We need to find out where that junkie came from, too, where he buys his shit. That operation gets shut down hard and moved the hell out of town. Meth is poison. We don’t want that here. Ain’t nothin’ a meth head won’t do for a fix, even slit their own throat.”

  A murmur of agreement rose and fell as Dizzy continued.

  “I know we’re not goin’ to get rid of all the junkies, there’s always goin’ to be someone using somethin’, but we need to get word out. Keep your fuckin’ issues to yourself, don’t bleed ‘em all over innocent citizens and the town’s businesses. This don’t happen in our yard.”

  There was another, more emphatic hum of agreement.

  Cage’s face had split into one of his wide smiles. “Ah, we few, we happy few. We band of brothers.”

  Shaggy was the very caricature of nonplussed. “Huh?”

  Ferret looked disgusted. “It’s Shakespeare, you Neanderthal.”

  At Shaggy’s blank look at the use of a word with so many syllables, Ferret shook his head and went back to the Honda. Dizzy moved over to foreign car that would keep him focused for a couple of hours at least. The others all took the signal and returned to their projects. Easy turned the radio back up on his way. Shaggy went back to trying to will the Beetle to fix itself.


  After a productive day, they downed tools and shut the garage up. Easy took care of the phone calls to inform the owners of the vehicles that would be ready for collection in the morning. They all made use of the small bathrooms that adjoined each dorm room. Even though several of them did not actually live at the clubhouse, there were enough rooms, and few enough of them, that they could still claim a room each.

  After washing up, they shared a beer. After the first round, Ferret left to head home to his wife. Dizzy didn’t blame him one bit. The remaining members ordered takeout and settled in to enjoy themselves. As the falling night began to shade the world beyond the latticed windows, the sweetbutts started to arrive. They were followed shortly, to Dizzy’s surprise, by Annelle and a couple of her girls. Annelle must have registered the questioning expression on his face, because came straight over to him with an explanation.

  “Cage called. Let me know you boys were playin’ at home tonight.”

  Dizzy turned to look over at Cage. His diminutive VP was staring in wonder at the leggy blonde who was twirling around the pole. It was obviously not an entirely selfless act on his VP’s part to call in some extra pussy. Cage seemed to have taken quite a shine to the tall girl that could only be described as golden from her skin to her hair.

  Dizzy returned his attention to Annelle. “Thank you. You’re takin’ care of us.”

  “I’m only repayin’ the favor. We had a car full of frat boys turn up last night. A set of young guns that didn’t know how to hold their liquor yet or how to treat a lady, whether she’s workin’ a pole or not. Your yeti over there sorted them right out.” She tilted her head in the direction of Shaggy, who was enjoying head from Reba.

  “Glad to hear it.” Dizzy paused. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to ask, but then words were just spilling out. “You know Thea? Works at the store on Westway.”

  “Yes. I do.”

  Suspicion clouded both Annelle’s tone and expression. Dizzy didn’t care. He wanted to know something about Thea, something outside of that damn store. He really didn’t think that she’d sic the police on him for throwing the tweaker a beating. The bastard had been trying to rob the store and, from what Dizzy had overheard, that hadn’t been the only thing on his agenda. But Fitz had been absolutely right to ask the question of him. When it came down to brass tacks, Dizzy didn’t know a damn thing about Thea other than that she was responsible for black hair and blue eyes featuring heavily in his dreams these days. He knew that he liked making her blush as much as he liked it when defiance shot sparks right out of her eyes, and he knew that she smelled like woman and tasted like home.

  “She said you introduced her to the club, when it was here.”

  “In a roundabout way, yeah.” Annelle thawed only fractionally.

  “She said she’s a friend of yours.”

  “You two had quite the conversation didn’t you?” Dizzy wasn’t sure why Annelle’s suspicion had suddenly developed an edge of smugness. “Yeah, she is, a good friend. She doesn’t have it easy, so I’m gonna be blunt here, maybe more than I’ve a right to be. What’s your interest in her?”

  Again Dizzy couldn’t take offense. He’d brought the subject up after all. And he didn’t have the first clue how to answer that question properly. He shrugged. “I helped her out with an issue at the store last night.”

  One of Annelle’s eyebrows climbed up her forehead. Yeah, she could have been Moira’s sister. Dizzy felt the inexplicable need to defend himself to this woman. He didn’t even realize that he’d tugged his hat down further over his brow, a defensive gesture.

  “She’s alright. Someone tried a stick up. It didn’t work out at all well for him.”

  The eyebrow came down but the hint of suspicion stayed.

  “Thank you. I don’t meddle in her life, but that girl needs someone to take care of her sometimes. She’s been on her own a long time.”

  Dizzy didn’t have an explanation either for the sudden need to poke a finger in a sore that had been festering in the back of his mind since his conversation with Thea a couple of days previously. “Lookin’ like that, hangin’ round here. She couldn’t have been lonely long.”

  Annelle was trying visibly hard to stop her outrage from becoming disrespectful. “It wasn’t like that. There’s not a whole lot else to do in this town, not for a woman on her own. She was safer here than she was at a regular bar. She don’t get the chance to cut loose often.”

  “You’re not jokin’. I’m beginnin’ to think she lives at that damn store,” Dizzy scoffed

  “She works hard.”

  “That she does. You’re protective of
her.” It was an observation, not a question.

  “I am. Like I said, she’s a good friend. Wouldn’t say she’s like my daughter, although she’s certainly young enough to be. She’s more like a niece to me, maybe.”

  Something in Annelle’s tone was censorious, a hint of a warning. Dizzy had known that Thea was younger than he was, that was obvious to anyone with a set of eyes, but he did wonder just how much younger she was. His thoughts were traipsing down a dangerous path. He’d been on his own a long time, too, and was becoming a crusty bachelor, set in his ways, he could feel it. It had been so long since he’d made any effort past casual flirting with a civilian woman that he wasn’t sure he even remembered what to do. And he really wasn’t sure why he was even worrying about that. He was too old for her. Thea was a tough cookie, but she had no place in a life where you had to watch out for people shooting at you or boiling you alive. The horny little devil on his shoulder reminded him that she wasn’t in this life, and someone had still pulled a gun on her the night before.

  He decided to call Annelle out on her attitude. “Okay. Okay. Message received and understood. You and the girls can help yourself to the booze.”

  He pushed away from the stool he was sitting on, and waved over the length of the bar. He settled into one of the unoccupied couches, but no sooner had his ass hit the seat then Little Miss Tits and Streaks was kneeling in between his legs and sliding her hands over his thighs. He felt his cock stir half-heartedly. Even his dick registered that this wasn’t what he wanted, not really. The eyes were blue, but they were the wrong ones.

  “Not tonight, darlin’.”

  She made an exaggerated disappointed pout. His cock went back to sleep; it absolutely did not have any appreciation for pussy getting bent out of shape. He spotted Fitz, still over at the bar, drinking alone while watching the show taking place on the pole.

  “Fitz is lookin’ lonely, darlin’. How ‘bout you keep him company.” The blonde piece still didn’t look happy, but she did as he suggested.

  Having lost any enthusiasm to keep on drinking while his brothers were getting laid, Dizzy finished his beer and left, but not before telling Fitz where he was going. He knew Annelle was watching him as he walked out of the clubhouse, but he couldn’t find it in him to care what anyone thought of his early exit.

  Chapter Eight

  Thea was disappointed in herself, because she was disappointed that in the few days since the attempted holdup, Dizzy had neither been in touch or had visited the store. She would have been worried that she was going crazy; it was as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened that night, except that she had a new entry in her phone’s address book. Every time she saw it, she remembered that kiss, when she wasn’t busy remembering that kiss every other minute of the day. She knew she needed to give herself a stern talking to. She was being utterly foolish. After the intensity of the moment, the adrenaline rush, a kiss was just a release of steam; she shouldn’t have been expecting anything, even after all the flirting. She should know better. She did know better, damnit.

  There hadn’t been any questions asked at the store. The tape hadn’t been missed. Thea wasn’t convinced anyone ever checked it unless the receipts didn’t tally with the register. It was probably just left in the machine to record over itself each night. She hadn’t mentioned anything to Val, either. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her friend, but some instinct made her bite her tongue on the matter. As much as she wanted to make it seem more real, Thea was sticking to the theory that the fewer people that knew what had happened, the better.

  She hadn’t told Annelle about it all, either, but that was for a different reason. Thea had an inkling that Annelle would be both unbearably smug and then would not drop the subject of setting Thea up with a biker, possibly any biker, if she knew that she was interested in one of them. Thea doubted that Annelle would attempt to push her towards Dizzy; that was batting in a league far beyond her capabilities.

  Keeping quiet about the most interesting thing to happen to her all week meant that she didn’t have a lot of conversation readily available. It was a good thing, Thea thought then, that Annelle had invited her to the Dusky Kitten for their weekly coffee appointment. Lyla Lyssa was giving a lesson to Myla in the art of burlesque dancing, and Annelle wanted to watch. Annelle was interested in picking ideas out of the routines that could be used elsewhere in the club, and she wanted to keep an eye on how well Myla was picking the choreography up.

  Currently Thea and Annelle were sitting on stools that they’d brought over to the main raised stage area, opting to sit higher up and further away than the seating that surrounded the stage edge. If Lyla hadn’t turned out to be about the sweetest person that Thea had ever met, she would have been intimidated right into the ground. The diminutive brunette had a thing about Fifties fashion. Her street outfit had been a perfectly tailored dress, and she wore her hair in neat waves which brushed her shoulders, with a perfect barrel roll pinned at the front. Now she was down to half the underwear set she’d started out with, a crystal encrusted garter belt over pink lace, French cut panties, attached to sheer black stockings with a seam running the length of the back of the leg.

  Thea couldn’t quite remember if she was even wearing panties that were the same color as her bra, but she knew damn well they weren’t anything fancier than plain cotton. She was also sat on her hands, having found that unless she did, she was constantly smoothing her own uncontrollable locks into place. It didn’t help that Annelle was working the corporate chic as usual, in a black pencil skirt and crisp white shirt. Thea was beginning to wonder if she shouldn’t rethink her usual jeans, Converse and sweatshirt ensemble, the sweatshirt having been added over her beater in a nod to the cooler weather.

  Lyla was showing Myla how to work with huge, blue ostrich feather fans and Thea was beyond impressed. There were flashes here and there, but it was all so quick that if you blinked you missed it. It was really artful too. Not that what the girls did on the poles wasn’t impressive at all, but this was something else, like fucking theater or some shit.

  By the time the lesson had finished, Thea was feeling positively clumpy and frumpy. She followed Annelle to the bar for a refill of coffee, trying her very best not to slouch, while Lyla and Myla re-dressed. As Annelle handed her a new cup of steaming liquid, Lucy and Alex arrived. There was more than an hour until the club opened, and not all the girls would be dancing at once when it did, but they would be taking it in turns until the number of customers increased. Both girls were wearing skinny jeans, but looked completely different. Alex looked catwalk ready in a shiny vest and suit jacket rolled up to her elbows. Lucy had thrown an old, faded plaid work shirt on with hers.

  Alex and Lucy dropped their bags on the floor as they accepted a freshly poured cup each from Annelle, who turned back to the machine with another two empty cups when she saw Lyla and Myla making their way across the room. Lyla perched carefully on a stool, taking care to arrange the folds of the full skirt of her deep red dress, with not a hair out of place despite the rigorous practice session. Myla was looking typically perky and impervious to the change of season in denim cut offs which were almost covered by a Dallas Cowboys shirt.

  Thea couldn’t hold back her admiration for Lyla’s talent. “Wow! That was seriously impressive.”

  “Thank you.” Lyla accepted the compliment graciously.

  Myla accepted her mug from Annelle. “No, thank you. This is going to be so awesome.”

  Lyla tucked her hair behind one ear. “Like I said, it’s really nice to be back home. New York, LA, they’re just unreal places. All those people walkin’ around, not givin’ a shit about each other. And I like this, the small clubs. The big places might be famous, but they treat dancers like slabs of meat with legs.”

  Annelle was in almost full mother hen mode, looking extremely proud. “Hopefully this is goin’ to be the start of somethin’ good for all of us.”

  “Yeah. Hopefully,” Lucy muttere
d as she took a sip of her drink. She had a well-deserved reputation as a bitch, but even so, Thea was surprised at the openly insincere tone in her voice. Lucy usually put on more of a friendly façade with new people before she let her true face show. Thea figured her almost outright hostility was probably due to not being in the spotlight. But having seen now what was involved with the routines, even Thea’s amateur eye could see that Myla had talent and capability, and a degree of subtlety, that Lucy did not.

  Annelle lifted an eyebrow at Lucy, who pushed herself off her seat with a dramatic sigh and took her coffee with her as she headed to the dressing room.

  “Sorry ‘bout that, hon. She’ll... thaw... eventually.” Annelle apologized to Lyla who shrugged.

  “I’ve met bigger attitudes.” Lyla’s tone was matter of fact.

  Annelle nodded, and then turned to Thea with a change of subject that almost induced whiplash. “Dizzy was askin’ after you the other night.”