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Bones by the Wood Page 13

  Annelle swung around the jamb of the kitchen door. “Breakfast’ll be ready when you’ve finished your meetin’ boys. Don’t worry, we’ll keep it warm.”

  “Thanks darlin’.” Dizzy tipped his hat to her. She glanced around the room and Dizzy saw her notice Lucy before she returned to whatever was being prepared. He waited until Nut had made sure that everyone had a full mug of caffeine in front of them, and then he slid down from the stool and led the way to the Chapel.

  During their meeting the day before, they’d discussed what they wanted to do about the potential transfers that Samuel had suggested. That was going to take some further discussion today, since they needed bodies in the club, but they also needed to discuss what they were going to do to keep the charter, and the MC’s arrangement with the Rojas family, in one piece. It was going to be a long day.

  Ferret spent a few moments setting up a laptop before they began the meeting. He’d set it on the table in front of a vacant chair on Cage’s right. Ferret and Easy had moved down to make the space. Ferret tapped away for a few seconds, and then angled the screen so that Dizzy could see it. Between them, Ferret and Crash had set up a connection so that the mother charter of the Priests could be part of the meeting, too. The screen was filled mainly with Samuel and Terry’s faces, and in a small box in the bottom of the screen Dizzy could make out the view that Samuel was seeing.

  “Mornin’, Samuel.”

  “Mornin’, Dizz. You boys have a quiet night?”

  “We did. Did you?”

  “Yeah, too quiet. We ain’t had any problems at all yet. I’m thinkin’ that they’re testin’ you. They’ve got our measure. They know what we’re capable of and what we’re willin’ to do. You’re the new kids on the block, and they’re tryin’ to find out what you’re made of.”

  “That sounds about right,” Cage agreed. “But I gotta say, I don’t want to give them a chance to test us some more.”

  “Me either, me either.” Samuel was nodding, his movements oddly jerky as the pixels on the screen relayed the action. “I’ve spoken to Eduardo, and we’re agreed. It’s time we go in and put these yahoos down for good. You boys on board with that?”

  Dizzy looked around the table, making sure to meet the eyes of each patch. It wasn’t an official vote as far as one went, but it was enough to cover the formality required. As suspected, each nod confirmed that everyone seated at the table wanted in on the action.

  “Yeah, Samuel. We’re on board.”

  “Good. Eduardo wants in, too. He’s had enough of these fucks disruptin’ his business, so we’ve got more bodies and more guns right there.”

  The discussion devolved from there into the specifics of the action that they wanted to take against the Los Perdidos and the technicalities involved. It was part of the arrangements that the mother charter would be visiting Texas, and both charters would cross the border with the help of the Rojas family. Dizzy voiced his concerns about the safety of the other strip clubs that the Priests owned across the state. Even on a quiet day the club didn’t have enough members to protect all of them at once in any effective manner, and now all hands would be needed on deck. Samuel agreed to speak to Eduardo again about making use of his resources to ensure that the Los Perdidos did not have the opportunity to hurt any of the Priests more distant interests.

  “Hey, Shark.” Dizzy said. Samuel twisted the laptop at his end and the screen in front of Dizzy blurred momentarily until the image settled on Shark Reardon seated at the Louisiana table. “I’m sorry again about Maguire, brother. We’ve made sure the remains we were sent were well taken care of. I know you were tight with him.”

  “Thanks, brother.” Shark had a look in his eyes that Dizzy recognized even over the digital connection. Some Los Perdidos were going to die hard in payment for the death of Shark’s mentor and friend.

  The screen blurred again until it refocused on Samuel. “We’re settin’ off directly, Dizz. Be with you in the early afternoon.”

  “Samuel, we weren’t ever gonna tell you ‘no’, but you know I’m gonna ask if y’all comin’ here is wise.”

  “It’s a show of force brother, you know that. They’ve fucked with us for the last time.” Dizzy wasn’t offended by Samuel’s coldness. He’d encountered it before when playing devil’s advocate in the pursuit of protecting his President. He knew Samuel wouldn’t hold it against him.

  Dizzy did know what the purpose of their mission was and he understood it, but it didn’t lessen his concern. “It’s an easy way for them to try ’n’ take the whole fuckin’ club out.”

  “Noted.” Samuel sighed. “You’re not the only one thinks that way. But I’ve had it with these greasy fuckers.” Dizzy detected a note of personal hostility edging into Samuel’s tone which he didn’t like. But then, it wasn’t his son that had been killed by the Mexicans. But there was another son on the line now, and this one was only a child. Dean had made a choice to join the Priests, knowing exactly what they were about. Josh had been given no choice in this matter, he wasn’t even really aware that he had been dragged into the maelstrom. Suddenly Dizzy was ashamed for having even tried to question the logic of their plan; they were all responsible for that innocent child, although he suspected he felt a little more responsible than most, a side effect of his interest in Thea that had blindsided him.

  “It’ll be good to have you with us, Pres.”

  “Thanks, Dizz. It’ll be good to blow this cloud from over all our heads.”

  “Ride safe, brothers.”

  “See you soon.”

  Samuel’s hand covered the screen as he reached to lower the lid of the laptop to end the call. As Dizzy sat back in his chair, Ferret killed the connection at their end and set the laptop to shut down. Dizzy waited until he was done before speaking.

  “Right. We’ve got some time. I’ll get Annelle and Thea on gettin’ hold of some extra mattresses and supplies. They’re gonna need an escort for that. No one travels alone outside of this building.”

  There were nods of agreement all around the table.

  “Pres.” Cage spoke up. “Lexi used to be a nurse.”

  “Lexi?” Dizzy’s weren’t the only eyebrows raised around the table.

  “Alex,” Cage confirmed, with what might have been just a hint of bashfulness. Dizzy had his answer about who it was that Cage had been trying not to wake up.

  “You been playin’ Doogie Howser, Veep?” Easy’s smile was wide.

  “She has an excellent bedside manner.” Cage was all but beaming.

  “That’s good to know.” Dizzy steered the meeting back on track. “Enjoy the time we’ve got ‘til Samuel and the boys get here, brothers. Shit’s gonna get heavy fast after that.”

  All traces of levity had gone from Shaggy’s face when he spoke. “They threatened a kid. We’re gonna bring the rain.”

  Dizzy had admired the way that Josh had charmed most of the club, particularly its two biggest members. He was a good kid, a credit to his mama, but it was still a surprise to hear the vehemence in Shaggy’s tone. The big lug had obviously become attached to the small boy.

  “Yeah. Its time we took ‘em down. We’ve all got shit we’d rather be doin’.”

  Dizzy banged the gavel to signify the end of the meeting. When Easy opened the double doors, the smell of cooking food and coffee wafted in. Dizzy was surprised that no chairs were overturned in the stampede that followed as his brothers rushed out to fill their stomachs.

  He looked around the room as the locusts descended on the food laid out along the bar. Josh was tucked into the corner of a sofa with a plate and a glass of juice. Most of the girls were sat around chatting and waiting for the men to eat first. Lucy and Britney didn’t appear to have moved from the sofa they’d claimed when they’d first entered the room. Dizzy didn’t see Thea, until she came out of the kitchen with another plate stacked high with toast.

  He opted to hang back until everyone else had loaded their plates. They’d have made way for him i
f he’d have made his presence felt, but he preferred to just observe for a while. He got a fresh mug of coffee from Nut and settled himself at a table near the Chapel doors. It gave him a sense of satisfaction to see everyone, or at least the majority of people, pulling together as a club family. His brothers were arguing good-naturedly over the food, with some small amount of pushing and shoving. Dizzy couldn’t see Annelle; he suspected that she was still directing operations from her command center in the kitchen.

  Thea had disappeared back there after placing the small mountain of toast on the bar. Dizzy was trying not to watch the doorway to the kitchen when she re-emerged, carrying a plate full of food in one hand and cutlery in the other. Wondering what she was up to, he kept watching her. He fought the urge to sit up a little straighter as she made her way directly to him.

  “Here you go.” She set the plate and the cutlery down on the table in front of him. “Can’t have you startin’ the day on an empty stomach.”

  He was about to ask her to stay when she pulled out one of the other chairs and sat down. She glanced over one shoulder at Josh, probably checking that he was okay and that he was still where she’d left him. Satisfied, she turned back.

  “I thought I’d wait ‘til the vultures were done.” He explained.

  “Bad idea. I think there’s maybe a few crumbs left, but that’s about it.”

  “What about you?” Dizzy pulled the plate towards him and picked up the cutlery.

  “Me?” She relaxed back in her chair. “I’ve already eaten.”

  “You have?” That surprised him. He hadn’t seen any of the girls eating. He’d assumed they were waiting on the men.

  “What? You thought we were waitin’ on you boys to come out and shake your manes and eat what we’d cooked before we dared to partake.” She was grinning, almost outright laughing. “Fuck that. We took care of ours while we were cookin’ yours.”

  Dizzy decided discretion was the better part of valor on this point. He wasn’t about to admit that she’d hit the nail pretty much on the head. Instead he tucked into the pile of bacon, eggs and toast that she’d brought over. He liked seeing her carefree, and there was a lot to like about seeing the rest of her this morning too.

  He couldn’t see her legs right at that minute, since she was seated, but the dark jeans she was wearing were tight enough to make him wonder how hard they were to take off. The edges of the red lace bra she was wearing were peeking out over the neckline of her grey beater. He had to concentrate harder than usual on making sure food got on his fork and stayed on it until it was in his mouth because, Goddamn, that red against her pale skin was distracting. Her hair was tied back again, more securely than he’d ever seen it before, but the end of the ponytail brushed her shoulders when she turned or cocked her head. Dizzy shifted in his seat, he could think of a lot of things he’d rather be doing at that moment in time, but she was right, he needed fuel.

  Thea remained for a few moments, and he thought that maybe she was about to say something, but it seemed she decided against it. She stood, and tucked the chair neatly back under the table. “I’ll leave you to it.”

  And then she was walking away. He would’ve asked her to stay except that he had a mouthful of food. The breakfast was basic, but it was good, tasty, and Dizzy wondered who’d had a hand in cooking it. For a long while, the sounds in the clubhouse were muted. There was some conversation, but much of it was stilted, fitting in around the eating.

  Once he’d finished his food, Dizzy carried his plate to the kitchen. He paused, just out of sight of the door, to catch the snatch of conversation.

  “I say Lucy and Britney get dishes duty. And Reba if she’s fuckin’ come out of that coma yet.” That was Thea.

  “You gonna tell ‘em that?” Asked a quieter voice.

  “Sure. I don’t mind haulin’ their asses in here to pull their weight. It ain’t camp.” That was Thea again. Dizzy had a smile on his face that matched the laughter that he knew was Annelle’s as he walked into the room. He found five women: Thea, Annelle, Myla, Lyla and Alex, all leaning back against the counter top, holding steaming mugs as they chatted. They fell quiet as he walked in.

  “Don’t mind me, girls.” He left his plate on the counter with the other dishes that were waiting to be washed. “Annelle, you got a minute?”

  “Sure.” She pushed away from the counter and put her mug down.

  “No, no. It ain’t private. The gang from Louisiana are on their way down. They should get here sometime this afternoon. We’re gonna need somethin’ for people to sleep on and more food. We’re gonna need some other kit as well. Bandages, pain relief, other shit like that, just in case.”

  “It’s gonna get rough, huh?” Annelle didn’t look at all surprised.

  “We protect our own, darlin’. We do what needs doin’.”

  Annelle nodded. “Okay. How many bodies?”

  “I think we’re gonna have another seven. Some of our guys will be makin’ way for the Pres and his veep to have a bed, so assume another two for whoever was sharin’ last night.”

  “Will do. I’ll get us set up.”

  “You’ll need an extra pair of hands, but you don’t leave without an escort. Just let one of the guys know when you’re ready to go. They’ll be expectin’ you.”

  “Okay. I’ll get on it when we’re done clearin’ all this up.” Annelle fluttered her fingers in the direction of the plates, dishes, pans and cutlery that were littering the white Formica worktop.

  “Great, I’ll leave you to it. Oh, and girls? Thank you. This ain’t unappreciated.”

  Dizzy left the kitchen, intending to go straight to the Chapel. There were some things about their plan that he needed to get straight in his own mind before Samuel and the rest arrived. But then he realized that, with Josh beating Scooby at some game, with Shaggy acting as chief cheerleader, that he had the perfect opportunity to grab a shower, an opportunity he might not have again for some time.

  He was almost through the door to his dorm room when he heard steps hurrying down the corridor behind him. A multitude of dirty thoughts crossed his mind when he saw Thea catching up to him.

  “Hey, Dizzy. Can I have a word?”

  “Sure, sweetheart.” He pushed the door to the room further open and motioned her inside. She complied, but he was sure he hadn’t missed the slight hesitation before she’d done so.

  “What’s on your mind, sweetheart?” He asked after he’d entered, flicked the light switch and closed the door behind him. He could have laughed. Thea was almost shuffling her feet. She hadn’t been afraid to stand up to him yet since she’d first arrived at the clubhouse the day before, and here she was, looking almost shy. Dizzy was intrigued, and more than a little turned on. That red lace was still showing.

  Finally she huffed out a breath and just started talking. “Look, I’m not tryin’ to be ungrateful here. You’ve taken me and my boy in to keep us safe. I guess...I’m just tryin’ to ask... how long do you think we’ll be stayin’ here?”

  “I honestly don’t know. We’ve still got some things to arrange. I guess we should know by tomorrow afternoon how all this is gettin’ tied up, one way or another.”

  Now she was regarding him seriously. “How will you know if it’s safe for us to go?”

  “I’ll know.”

  “What do you… ?” She almost sounded exasperated, but then she shook her head so hard her ponytail flew. “Forget it. I don’t need to know. I don’t want to know, I don’t think. It feels like we’re talkin’ in riddles half the time, but I don’t need to know who is comin’ after me and my boy, not if you stop ‘em.”

  “We’ll do our best.”

  “There’s a chance you might not... that you might get hurt, though, right?”

  “Yes. There is. But we’re goin’ to make sure the guys that threatened you, us, don’t ever do somethin’ like this again.”

  He hadn’t realized that he’d been stalking her across the room as they’d been speaking
until she let out a shocked gasp when she hit the wall by the desk. That fucking red lace was calling to him. He put his arm out, palm flat against the wall by her head. He wasn’t blocking her escape, though, in any way. If she wanted to, all she had to do was slide along the wall and walk to the door. He was fairly certain that if she made a move to do so, that he’d let her go, but he wanted to touch her first. She hadn’t moved yet. He couldn’t decipher her expression, and he didn’t care to try. He concentrated on what he’d been wanting to do since he’d first seen that red lace.

  He laid his free hand on her shoulder, and let it sit there for a beat to see if she’d shake it off, but she didn’t. He’d been able to see more of her ink now that he’d seen her in something other than that godawful shirt she wore in the store. He knew now that the roses only covered her upper arm, but there was something else on her back, and it seemed to be a sizable piece.